Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo (reviewed by Fran Putnoi)

 As I head into my third month of quarantine I wanted to recommend the Book that our book group read last month.  It was the first time the Booker Prize was given to a woman of color and was shared with Margaret Atwood which caused a little bit of controversy.

Bernadine Evaristo , the author, was thrilled to share the prize and felt it was not at all complicated for her.  She was happy to tell the story of these twelve remarkably diverse, energetic and complicated women who are part of the Black British community and whose story were not often shared.  Our group consensus was very positive although most of us felt it took the first couple of chapters to appreciate the cadence of the storytelling and the weaving of the narrative.    I  personally loved getting to know all of the characters, and feel they will people my life for a long time to come.  It is available in Paperback, on Kindle and I am happy to loan my Covid free copy.

 Fran Putnoi