By Stacey Abrams 

Reviewed by Susan Barron

Stacey Abrams continues to work assiduously in Georgia for voting rights, yet she somehow has found the time to write this mystery thriller – the latest of nine novels, two memoirs, and multiple articles!  The protagonist is Avery Keene, a young law clerk for a cantankerous Supreme Court Justice.  Without revealing the twists and turns of this complex, compelling, plot, suffice it to say that the Justice holds the key vote in one of the most controversial cases ever to confront the Supreme Court. The story takes us on a gripping journey as the nefarious, multi-dimensional plot involving rogue pharmaceuticals unfolds – keeping us engrossed until the final word is written. 

If you are searching for a book that will transport you out of the topsy-turvy world in which we find ourselves, this book is for you!