Triangle Park: March 2023 Update

A glance across Edwin Land Boulevard reveals the emergence of the long-awaited Triangle Park.  Gone is the “god-forsaken acre filled with trucks, construction equipment, gravel, a few struggling flowers and a couple of trees.”  Trees and plantings are waiting to burst into bloom as soon as spring arrives.  Lighting is being installed, and the paving is expected shortly. The City of Cambridge, working with STOSS Landscape Urbanism, has designed the park to encourage “greater tree canopy in an area of the city where increased planting has been identified as a priority.” The proposed trees and plants reduce the paved area while leaving space for both fixed and movable seating.  The result will provide a shaded sanctuary in the midst of this bustling center of technology. 

A moratorium on roadway construction in effect starting in November 2022 has delayed construction.  Happily, the final portion of the project on the edge of First Street is slated to be completed this spring.

For additional information regarding project construction contact  Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4825/

Susan Barron